Papers Club

First Quiz Published!

17 Jun 2019 - Ana

And our first quiz is up and running! The link: QUIZ

It has been tested for sanity by two of our dear members: Dharmendra and Marce. Thank you, guys!

Important things about this quiz:

  1. I will not see your individual answers, only the overall stats, so feel free to make mistakes. :)
  2. The quiz covers general concepts, not any specific parts of derivations. It should be accessible for all members!

I will publish the overall stats after all deadlines and maybe some intermediate results if I have enough data. Again - these are aggregate stats, no individual results are seen to anyone. But please avoid taking the quiz without reading the paper (or at least skimming through it).

Also, after you complete it, please take a survey so that we know how to proceed further:

– Cheers, Ana