Papers Club

Club Policy

Our Goal

Our goal is to learn to read research papers. We’re all AI/ML enthusiasts, who would like to become researchers one day!

Who can join?

This discussion club is for beginners in research. Hence, you don’t need any experience in reading papers. That said, it’s highly recommended to have maths/CS background! I hope that later we will update this repository with lists of recommended courses/books and topics one must know.

How do I join?

How does it work?



  1. Phase 1:
    • Step 1. We select a paper from our pool of proposals, using SurveyMonkey
    • Step 2. We estimate a deadline when all the member can complete the reading (SurveyMonkey)
    • Step 3. We read the paper
    • Step 4. Optional. We make (guess, that’s a work for me ~Ana) and take a quiz :)
  2. Phase 2:
    • Step 1: Optional. We write a summary of the paper
    • Step 2: We discuss the hard parts
    • Step 3: We decide if we want to implement it (SurveyMonkey)
  3. Phase 3 (optional)
    • Implement

While NOT(researcher)

The rules

  1. This code is written by club members and any member has the right to change the police provided he makes a note on this update and explaines the reason in the commit
  2. All members can add/update/delete information (we all assume sanity of all member and trust each other :blush:)
  3. All the discussions will be happening in #general channel on Slack with keyword papers_dclub, so that we can find them easily
  4. The paper for the reading is selected by anonymous voting via surveymonkey (democracy! :blush:).
  5. You can join/leave at any point, but please be consistent!
  6. Paper proposals can be added by any member (add directly to GoogleDoc - Papers Proposals tab)!
  7. It’s ok if you don’t implement - you can still benefit from analysing existing implementations!
  8. Any help is appreciated.