Papers Club

From Berlin with Love

26 Jun 2019 - Ana

Hello everyone! There were no news for the past few days, because I have been at the event. By the way, you should definitely check it out - it’s called Talent Meets Bertelsmann. Bertelsmann now is really into data and is looking for talent in that field. They will also sponsor about 50,000 scholarships with Udacity in the next 3 years, so look out for them! And I personally would like to stress that this is really a great company - there are so many divisions, so many interesting projects going on and so many opportunities. So if you have a chance and you think you have the required skills - apply next year!

On that note - I would like to announce the new deadlines. There is no quiz YET, so the deadlines are only for reading paper so far. Our current paper is quite short, so I expect that we complete it by the end of the week. Good luck!

– From Berlin with Love, Ana