Papers Club

GANs quis published1

12 Jul 2019 - Ana

We know you have been waiting for it and here it goes - the quiz for original paper of generative adversarial networks. The quiz was developed by Dharmendra Choudhary, but I have tested it very thouroughly and I can assure you that it’s very good. :) Be aware though that there are several catches in the quiz and you should read the questions very attentively. TAKE THE QUIZ

Also, we have updated the deadlines - the deadline for the paper reading phase is this Sunday (July, 14, 2019). The soft deadline for the quiz is at the same day. Check your Google calendar - we’ve just updated it. We are also planning discussion on Sunday, but we’re unsure yet of how many people have completed the paper, so we will post about it later.

– All the best, Ana, Dharmendra and Marce