If you have completed reading the first paper (or decided not to complete it at all), plese take a survey (it’s very important for future activities): https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RPTKD9L
The quiz is ready and the link to it will be published here and in #general channel tomorrow. The goal of the quiz is to enhance the paper reading experience. It’s not a competition. :) The quiz will be tested by two of our members before I publish it (Marce and Dharmendra). Also, for those who will make it to the implementation stage, Dharmendra will create a quiz that covers practical aspectes of PCA. I saw a few questions - they are great!
The deadline for the reading is tomorrow and I hope most of you will have completed it by that time. But if not - it’s still okay (it’s soft deadline). There are two more activities we can perform in addition to discussion, which are:
PS. Sorry for not updating for a few days. My life has just changed completely. For good. I was too happy. :)
– Cheers, Ana
Marce (Slack: Marce) suggested that we use ReviewNB in our implementations. In short: it allows to review changes (diff) in notebooks in a human-readable way (not JSON diffs!), which is quite cool. I have already installed this plugin for our organisation, and Marce will come up with more info/tutorials soon! :)
– Cheers, Ana
We have created an organisation for the club - https://github.com/papersdclub! This will contain implementations as well as organisational notes, reading lists and other useful things. If you haven’t done it already - request to join. Alternatively, send me a message on Slack or add you github in the GoogleDoc with members! More updates will follow in the nearest future! :)
– Cheers, Ana
We’ve asked for the estimates for the time needed to complete reading. Most of of the club members are confident they will be able to complete reading in one week. Some respondents estimated their reading time to be 2 weeks. Don’t worry, guys, we’ll wait for you! :)
– Cheers, Ana
We have selected the first paper for reading. And the winner is “A Tutorial on Principal Component Analysis”. The paper was selected after running a survey. It turned out that most people were interested in introductory papers. And, actually, there were two winners: the current paper and word2vec. The next survey will include the newly proposed papers.
– Cheers, Ana