It’s time to select the next paper! Looking at the list, I literally want to read that all, but the majority decides, so please VOTE! :)
Our second quiz will be published tomorrow - we’re working on finalising it with Marce and Dharmendra. Don’t worry - it will be an easy one this time. It will test only general understanding and will not go into too much detail. Specifically, don’t worry about the calculation of epsilon and delta - there was discussion on Slack regarding this issue and maybe we’ll post a summary later. But this requires studying another paper which in turn required studying another papers, so we don’t include the details of calculation of epsilon/delta or details of moments accountant into the quiz. Good luck!
– Cheers, Ana
There are just a few days remaining until the soft deadline for the current paper and I think most of you have already completed it. It’s not that long after all. So for something completely different I wanted to share with you one of my favourite mock papers - I hope you can appreciate the humor. :) It’s from SIGBOVIK (if you don’t know what it is, do google). The paper is Meta-meta-learning for Neural Architecture Search through arXiv Descent. Do enjoy and let us proceed with arXiv descent… :)
– Cheers, Ana
Quick update for today. You all (scholars!) know about about the challenge “60 days of Udacity”. The activities you perform in our club also count, so if you worked on reading paper, completing the quiz, writing implementaiton or summary, DO list it as a activity in your daily report for the challenge. [IMPORTANT] We are now trying to arrange it with Akshit to make it clear what counts and what doesn’t count for that challenge. We think that reading papers the way we did requires a lot of time and effort and should be counted. We will keep you posted.
– Cheers, Ana
Hello everyone! There were no news for the past few days, because I have been at the event. By the way, you should definitely check it out - it’s called Talent Meets Bertelsmann. Bertelsmann now is really into data and is looking for talent in that field. They will also sponsor about 50,000 scholarships with Udacity in the next 3 years, so look out for them! And I personally would like to stress that this is really a great company - there are so many divisions, so many interesting projects going on and so many opportunities. So if you have a chance and you think you have the required skills - apply next year!
On that note - I would like to announce the new deadlines. There is no quiz YET, so the deadlines are only for reading paper so far. Our current paper is quite short, so I expect that we complete it by the end of the week. Good luck!
– From Berlin with Love, Ana
The winner is Differentially Private Federated Learning: A Client Level Perspective.
The survey is over and we have a winner - Differentially Private Federated Learning: A Client Level Perspective. In fact, it was a tie: Neural Turing Machine, word2vec and the winning paper all got almost equal number of votes. But since the challenge course is on privacy and federated learning is one of its topics, we decided that we should read this paper anyway if it gets enough voices. The new deadlines will be added tomorrow, but expect to have 2 weeks to complete the full cycle.
Update for Slack users of Secure and Private AI scholarship challenge: me, Marce and Dharmendra are now the moderators of #reading_paper_discuss channel! There are still more than two months ahead and I hope it will be a great journey!
– Cheers, Ana & Marce
Hey everyone! After running a survey we discovered that majority of people WOULD LOVE to have live discussion. And there are great news for them! This Sunday (as most of you selected Saturday and Sunday as preferred day) there will be live session to discuss the paper we’ve just completed (A Tutorial on PCA). The session will be hosted by @shivu who completed all the stages (read -> quiz -> implement). This is a great time to discuss the toughest parts as well as practical applications. This is NOT ama, it’s discussion. @shivu and @Marce will be moderating the discussion, but they are not teachers, so prepare for the discussion, not recitation! Also, if there are other people who completed the full cycle (or at least reading and quiz), they can co-host the session if they wish - please message one of us (me, @Marce, @shivu or @Dharmendra Choudhary). Happy learning!
– Cheers, Ana